Contact Details
- 01623 842250
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit, Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0TE
Church Vale Primary School
and Foundation Unit
Reach for the Stars
Welcome to our Year 5 class page at Church Vale Primary School.
Mr Debic is the class teacher
Reading and homework per week:
Reading x 3
PE kit (white t-shirt, blue or black shorts/joggers) on Thursday
We have PE on Tuesday morning with aour cricket coach Alex and then on a Thursday morning with our fantastic sports coach, Seb from Express Coaching. Children should wear a plain white t-shirt and black or dark blue shorts or joggers. PE kit should be bought in a bag on a Monday and left in school all week. Children cannot take part in PE lessons if they are wearing jewellery (including earrings and watches).
Children in Year 5 begin to take more responsibility for their everyday reading, but at this age, it is still crucial that children have an adult to read to and also an adult who can read to them. Many children at this age may be able to decode and recognise words instantly but when you listen to your children read, please ask them questions about the book they are reading - the understanding of the text is what children will eventually be tested on. Talking about books and showing enthusiasm towards reading is an invaluable tool and this is the best way to help our children become excited about new and challenging books. We expect our children to read at least 3 times per week. When they reach certain milestones they will receive rewards which they very much look forward to! Please bring your reading folders to school everyday.
Each week, your child will have spellings to learn and maths tasks to complete. The most effective approaches usually involve learning a few spellings at the start of the week, practising these and adding more words until they are confident in all of them.
Topic Subjects
This term we are learning all about mining. We will be exploring how mining has changed over the years and we will look at the 'Industrial Revolution'.
Next term we will be going on an amazing trip to the 'National Mining Museum' where we will be going 140 metres below ground into a real mine.
Our Science this term is Forces and then Animals and their Habitats.
Our book for this term is 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross MacKenzie.
We are determined Year 5 will be the greatest year so far of your child's education. If you have any queries, ideas or questions you can contact us via email (the link can be found below).
Kind Regards,
Miss Nicholson and Mrs Berney
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit, Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0TE