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Church Vale Primary School

and Foundation Unit

Reach for the Stars

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Foundation 1

Welcome to Foundation 1!


Our class teacher is Mrs Rawcliffe


Other members of Foundation staff you may see are -

Miss Law, Miss Varley, Mrs Coope, Mrs Boden and Mrs Poole.


Our morning session begins at 8.45  and ends at 11:45. 

Our afternoon session begins at 12.15 and ends at 3.15. 


PE is every Monday for both our morning and afternoon session. Children will be gaining independence in changing into their PE kits this half term. Please send children with their PE kits every Monday and ensure any jewellery (including earrings) are removed. 


Children access our outdoor provision in all weathers. As the weather gets colder, please make sure you send your child with a warm coat and shoes suitable for running and climbing. 





In Foundation Stage we use an online program called 'Tapestry' to share your child's learning journey with you. Tapestry allows you to log in and see what your child has been learning in school and gives you the opportunity to share experiences at home with us. This is a secure site which allows only you to view your child's learning journey and gives you an insight to the learning opportunities they access whilst with us in Foundation.


If you have any questions about Tapestry please come to see Mrs Rawcliffe.



Tapestry Guide for Parents

Supervised Brushing

Our F1 children take part in a supervised brushing programme run by our trained F1 staff. Our children love to tickle their teeth!


If you have any questions about the programme please come to see Mrs Rawcliffe.


Please see the links below for support on brushing teeth at home. Remember, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay. 


Your child will be sent home with a lilac reading book to read themselves and a sharing book for you to read to your child. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week. Your child needs to bring their reading folder to school every day. 

Please watch the video below to help support your child with phonics, reading and writing,

Still image for this video

Early Reading and Writing at Church Vale

Home Learning Links

Here are some of the songs that we sing each day...

Things you can do with your child at home to help them in Nursery:

  • Practice undressing and redressing, encouraging your child to be independent.
  • Read a book together. Talk about the story, characters and events. Let your child turn the pages and help them to join in with repeated phrases.
  • Spend time playing games like snakes and ladders and other board games. It's a great way to practice some counting and turn taking skills.
  • Complete a jigsaw together. Jigsaws are brilliant for helping your child to be a problem solver and pattern spotter.
  • Go for a walk and talk about the things you can see and hear.
  • Have fun with mark making. Use a bowl of water and a paintbrush to draw pictures outside on the wall or the fence. Use different coloured pens, pencils and paper to practice drawing lines, shapes, animals, people, anything!


Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes and songs help our children to develop their vocabulary, communication and language skills. We sing everyday in Foundation 1. Here are some of the rhymes we are enjoying this term ...

Here are some stories we love to share in Foundation 1!

If you have a question, suggestion or would like to make a comment, please fill in this form and we'll get back to you. Thank you.

Contact Details and Useful Links
