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Church Vale Primary School

and Foundation Unit

Reach for the Stars

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Foundation 2

Welcome to Foundation 2...also known as The Gruffalo's Forest!


Your class teacher is Miss Law and Mrs Hibbert 

Your teaching assistant is Miss Varley.



Other members of Foundation staff you will see -

Mrs Rawcliffe, Miss Giller and Mrs Boden who are our F1 staff. 

Holly Harris who is our Speech and Language therapist.

Mrs Coupe who supports SALT and SEND.  




Our PE day is Tuesday

Your child will need to have a PE kit in school at all times. We will send it home at half term or sooner for a wash.


Please remember to label all clothes (even shoes) to avoid any mix ups!




Please bring reading folders to school everyday. Books will be changed and reads will be counted once a week.



 Please read to and listen to your child read as often as possible. We ask children to read at least 3 times per week. Reads will be counted weekly and recorded for our Reading Mileage system. Please record reads in your child's reading diary. 


A homework menu will also be sent home at the beginning of each term. Please complete the tasks throughout the term and send us photographs of things you have made. You can upload photos to Tapestry. See link below to find out how to upload on Tapestry. We will look forward to seeing what you get up to.









In Foundation Stage we use an online program called 'Tapestry' to share your child's learning journey with you.

Tapestry allows you to log in and see what your child has been learning in school and gives you the opportunity to share experiences at home with us.

This is a secure site which allows only you to view your child's learning journey and gives you an insight to the learning opportunities they access whilst with us in Foundation. If you are not signed up to Tapestry, please see Miss Law. 


We love to share the children's experiences at home during our carpet times. The children love seeing themselves on the big board! Please continue to share your special family times with us by posting photos and videos on Tapestry. Click on the link below to find out how... 



We will use SeeSaw as our platform to support home learning in the event of bubble/school closures or isolation.

The expectation is that all activities set by teachers will be completed. Please contact us if you need help or support.

Here is a useful video explaining how it works.


At Church Vale we value children's love of reading and want to begin their reading journey as soon as they start their time in Foundation Stage with us. 


We share books daily and recognise how important it is for children to listen to stories. Each week your child will bring home a 'sharing book' this is a book for you to read to them. Please take time in your busy days to share a story and have quiet, quality time with your child. 


Your child will also bring home a 'reading book' which is matched to their reading and phonics ability. This is for your child to read to you and practice the skills they have learnt in school. 


We expect our children to read at home at least 3 times a week. Additional to their reading and sharing book, encourage your child to reads books at home, magazines, signs and leaflets! 

We count how many reads your child has done each week and they awarded with a certificate and prize when they reach

25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 reads.


Please see the 'Fast words' sticker in your child's reading diary to see the words we have learnt in Foundation so far this year.

Please encourage your child to read these words from sight. This will help their fluency of reading. 


At Church Vale we love to read! The children listen to stories everyday and we take part in a weekly session devoted to Reading for Pleasure. 

Our Core set of books that we enjoy reading to our children can be seen below. Links are included incase you would like your own copies of our favourites at home! 





To help your child with phonics, reading and writing please see the video below:

Still image for this video

Foundation 2 'Fast words'

Your child has a personal log in to 'Big Cats e-library' This provides a wide range of phonetically decodable books. Their log in is stuck into their reading diary. See a parent guide below for support:

F2 Core Book List (including links)

Here are some useful activities and lessons to keep your child busy at home: 



Please encourage your child to read their reading book. Can they turn the pages, point to the words and spot the graphemes they know? Can they blend the phonemes to read the words? Can they go back and re-read sentences quickly? Can they answer who/what/why/when questions about the book? 


Use our class log in to access Oxford Owl for a wide range of e-books. 

Class log in: churchvalef2

Class password: reading


Use your child's log in to access phonics books using our Big Cat e-library. 

Their personal log in is stuck in their reading folder. 


Remember, reading to your child is an important part of reading. Share your favourite stories. Talk to your child about their favourite parts, favourite characters and encourage them to join in with repeated phrases. 



Practice the Phase 2 phonemes using the formation sheets below. 

Practice blending sounds for reading using the phase 2 and phase 3 'Time to Read sheets below'


Watch interactive Phonics lessons via Youtube:


Play some phonics games on the Phonics Tracker website. Follow the link and scroll down the page to find the games.



Watch 'Numberblocks' on the cbeebies website:


Visit the 'Whiterose Maths' website for some brilliant interactive lessons:













Some useful websites and apps: 


App: Hairy Letters 

App: Teach you monster to read

(you can download onto phones/ipads for a cost or play on the website for free:


Website: Numberblocks cbeebies iplayer

Website: Phonics play (phases 2 and 3)

Website: Phonics bloom (Phases 2 and 3) 

Website: Number songs


Youtube: Mr Thorne does phonics

Youtube: Mr Mc Super power words

Youtube: Boom shake the alphabet



Fun Science Experiments to try at home


Go Noodle are offering free videos to support physical and emotional well-being.  Lots of fun activities the children love to join in with at school.








Can you practice writing the graphemes we have learnt so far? Remember to pinch your pencil!

It is important to keep active. Have a look at some fun ideas to get your children moving!

If you have a question, suggestion or would like to make a comment, please fill in this form and we'll get back to you. Thank you.

Contact Details and Useful Links
