Contact Details
- 01623 842250
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit, Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0TE
Church Vale Primary School
and Foundation Unit
Reach for the Stars
If your child or any member of your family is struggling with mental health issues please contact school and ask to speak to someone.
SENco Mrs Gibbison
Mental health lead- Mrs Goncalves
Parent support worker- Mrs Berney
All available on 01623 842250
Church Vale have decided to pay into something called the CORC well-being measurement for years 4-6.
Please review details of the Wellbeing Measurement for Schools survey (found below on). If you are happy for your child to take part in the survey you do not need to do anything, if you are not, please notify us.
EBPU is working with your child’s school and other schools across the UK. We are trying to understand more about children’s emotional wellbeing in young people through surveys. This project will help us to understand the best ways to support schools to understand more about the wellbeing of their pupils.
We are asking for your permission for your child to complete a survey. If you give permission, your child will also be asked if they would like to take part. You may want to discuss participation with your child to help him/her decide. It will be made clear to all children when they are given the questionnaires that they do not have to answer any questions that they don’t want to and they do not have to take part at all if they don’t want to. Your child is free to stop taking part at any time, without giving a reason.
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit, Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0TE