Contact Details
- 01623 842250
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit, Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0TE
Church Vale Primary School
and Foundation Unit
Reach for the Stars
Any questions, email your teachers:
Mrs Leadbeater-
Mrs Savage-
Information for Spring Term 2025
Your teachers and teaching assistants are:
Mrs. Leadbeater (Mon-Wed)
Mrs. Savage (Thurs-Fri)
Mrs West (Mon-Fri)
Timings for the School Day:
Start- 8:45
Lunch- 12:00-12:45
Hometime- 3:15
PE is on a Monday with Mrs Leadbeater and Express Coaching with Mrs Savage and Seb on a Thursday.
Children will get changed into PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays.
No earrings on Mondays or Thursdays please. Your child will be unable to participate if they are wearing earrings for health and safety reasons.
Please leave PE kit in a small bag at school.
Practise getting changed with your child to ensure they are confident with tricky things like buttons, zips and laces.
PE kit must consist of a white t-shirt, dark shorts/joggers/leggings and trainers/pumps.
This term’s topics are;
Writing- Jack and the Beanstalk, The Owl and the Pussycat, The Great Fire of London and Katy in London.
Reading- Hansel and Gretel, The Pirates Next Door, Materials and The Great Fire of London.
Maths- Money, Multiplication and Division, Length and Height, Mass, Capacity and Temperature.
History- The Great Fire of London.
Geography- London
Science- Materials and Plants
DT- Bridges
Art- Augusta Savage
Computing- Robot Algorithms and Pictograms
RE- Who is a Muslim and how do they live? Why does Easter matter to Christians?
PSHRE- Relationships- Bullying and Body Language. Being Responsible- Practice makes perfect and Helping someone in need.
Online Safety- Online Reputation and Online Bullying.
Spelling task: We will send the words the children have been practising in class on a Monday. They need to look at the word, cover it, have a go at writing it and then check to see if they have spelt it correctly. We hope to see these words spelt correctly when the children use them in their writing.
Please also keep practicing the common exception words using the word mat we sent home in the Autumn term.
Maths: Keep practising your number bonds, quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 20. Look around your surroundings, which numbers can you see? Think about how numbers are made- how many tens and how many ones can you see in 2-digit numbers?
This term, we will recap numbers to 50 and learn them up to 100. Practise writing them at home and do simple addition and subtraction. We have learnt how to borrow and exchange tens and ones when working with larger numbers and crossing the tens boundary. Please keep practising this with your child.
Reading: Please read with your child at least three times a week and sign your child’s reading diary. Your child will bring home a book on their reading colour or phonics level to read themselves plus a book from the class library to share with a grown up. As always, there are prizes for reading milestones! Reading folders need to be brought to school every day. We will count the reads on a Thursday ready to give out the reading rewards on a Friday.
If you need us, please email!
If you need us, please email!
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit, Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts, NG20 0TE