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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 @ Church Vale Primary School.


Welcome to Year 6. 


Please send your child with their PE kit in a labelled bag and leave it in school all week. They will be outside so please make sure they have a warm jumper and joggers in their kit. White top and black bottoms only please with a change of footwear. 



We ask that the children read at home at least 3 times in a week. They need to have their reading diary signed by an adult and will recieve prizes for different amounts of reads. This is a great incentive for the children and also reading helps them with so many aspects of learning. 

If children don't manage to read 3 times in a week, they will be asked to catch up during their playtime on a Friday.



The children will be sent spellings home for them to learn. They will also be expected to practce their times tables. We ask that parents sign to say that their children have practised their times tables 3 times in a week. 



Year 6 is an amazing year and the children have so much to look forward to. Yes, its the year of the SAT's and the children will be expected to work hard but this is only a small piece of the jigsaw. The children will be given more responsibilities throughout school and will be super role models for others

We are so looking forward to our residential this term! 


Any questions, comments, please use the contact section at the bottom of the page or message us through school's facebook account. 


Year 6 Core Book List (including links)

Y6 Non-negotiable spellings

Have a question? Message Mr Debic here...

Contact Details and Useful Links
